Setelah ngupi ngupi ganteng (+ngangkang)
I hope you can forgive me for that time, when I put my hand between your legs and said it was small.
Cuz its really not at all ! On the day you realize how amazing you areYou're gonna leave me
“Gue sebenernya kecewa. Kesan pertama sih laki abis, tapi lama-lama kok jadi ngondek ya?”
You're the only one who holds my hair back when I'm drunk and get sick.You're the only one who knows exactly what I mean
”Mmh, kalo sifat lainnya gimana? Mungkin bisa menutupi ‘kengondekannya’ itu?”
”Setia banget sih. Tapi yah jadi agak ilang feeling aja. Pengen yang laki banget! Susah deh”
Well I saw you with your hands above your head,spinning around, trying not to look down,but you did, and you fell hard on the ground
“Aduuuh, hari gini masih nyari yang laki banget?! Lo peletekin aja tukang kuli bangunan! “
And I probably forgot to tell you this,like that time I forgot to tell you about the scar.Remember how uncomfortable that made you feel?
“ ahh lama-lama pasti ngondek juga!”
“Tuh kan? Liat pattern nya gak? Kalo emang tetep pengen yang laki banget, lo ganti kenti ke meki aja… “
“heu? Kurrrang ya??! :P "
See you're not what I expected, but you're the only one who knows how to handle me and you're such a great kisser and I know that you agree! (=taken from Maria Mena : You're The Only One)
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