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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Surat 1002: Please Don't Commit Suicide!

Setelah menerbitkan buku Kedai 1002 Mimpi, saya banyak menerima e-mail pembaca yang menggairahkan, mengharukan, menggembirakan, dan mengcampuradukkan semua rasa. Ini salah satunya! Semoga turut memberimu berjuta warna!

Hi Bang, this writing is not about the review of K1002M. It'll be just my thought. I'm not that clever to write a book review. 

So I hope it doesn't waste your time yah. I promise it won't be a long one.

I wish that 'your story' was just a really bad nightmare for you. You'd wake up and those bad things would be gone. 
Too bad, that wasn't only a bad dream. 

I do feel sorry for all bad things that had happened to you. I do really want to send you a glass of hot choc & a long warm hug. 

Please don't go insane. You're not that genius to go crazy. Please stay sane. 

Saya cuma baca bukunya aja, pas tidur malem saya mimpi buruk kerja di coffee shop. When I woke up, I promise myself to write an encouragement email for you. 

Please don't commit suicide. Don't even think about it. You have, I don't know, hundred reasons to stay alive. I know you won't do that. But, if one day that pressure comes. Please remember these few things.

1. You live in Bandung. 
Well, I want to live in Bandung. I wanna eat cuankie, batagor, good cireng, molen, stick keju every single day. I don't even visit Bandung once a year. :"(( so please be grateful for that. Don't kill yourself. 

2. You have brilliant mind. 
The way you tell your story on your twitter account at THAT time. I stayed awake just to read your story, sambil berharap nothing bad happened to you dan menunggu nunggu kamu bakal cerita apa lagi. 
Your books before your best sellers are quite impressive. My fave ( selain 1001 & 1002 ) itu Joker. Yah walau ditengah buku saya bisa nebak dengan benar. *lah akirnya memuji diri sendiri* 
Dann I love how you play with words. Bisa bikin kalimat yang berakhiran vokal yang sama dan menarik sih. Ga bosenin. 
Ok. Let's try mine. Err wait let me think.
.... kukuku bau ... 
See, not everyone can play with words as good as you. 

3. Your family. I know this one need no explanation.

4. Malu sama haterzzzz kali. 

Hater 1 : "Eh si penulis yang kafir itu akirnya mati loh!! Mati bunuh diri lagi!!" 
Hater 2 : "Iya kan bener kan, dia sih berani beraninya ngatain Arab kaya begitu. Kena azab kan. Pasti abis ini fansnya kena azab juga.." 

Hater X : "eh si penulis yang nulis kisah bohong tentang Arab itu bunuh diri masa...." 
Hater Y : "yaiyalah!!! Pasti ngrasa dosa sendiri!! Masa iya di Arab ada kaya bgitu. Kalo disana dia tertekan masa iya balik jadi gembil gitu!!" 

Sorry for the lame joke. Abis ini beli bang alat setrum yang kaya punya polisi polisi luar negri. Kalo ada yang ngejorokin lagi kejar setrum kepalanya yah. 

Wait, at former I wrote hundred reasons and I only have 4. Eerr okay, will write rest in my next email yah. :) 

I want to be just liked you. I wanna own your brain, your luck, your bravery to go to a new place alone. I wanna be as loveable as you. 

Thank you for being a good inspiration of mine. 

Saya mendoakan kamu semoga hari harimu dipenuhi hal hal menyenangkan, mendapat banyak kebaikan dan cinta yah. God bless you, Aa' Valiant. 

Hope can visit Bandung soon biar dapet cap jempol bukunya. 

Xoxo, Anita MR
twitter: @amellyfika

Dear Anita,

Your e-mail made my day! It tastes like glasses of hot choco extra 3 pumps of hazelnut & caramel drizzle on whipped cream!

Well well If you're not clever to write a book review, i bet you're proficient at giving encouragement! Because those few things you wrote are oxygen cylinders for my crowded thoughts!

No 4 ngehe abis bikin aku ngakak! 

Terima kasih ya, Anita! Doaku untukmu juga, semoga kebaikanmu ini dibalas ganjaran berkah melimpah dan hati riang, amin!

Kalau gak sempat ke Bandung, semoga aku yang ke Semarang!



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Bebas komentar apa saja, asal damai. Terima kasih banyak :*